Looks like Mother Earth is calling for attention on South America’s Pacific Coast, especially in the small country that sits in the middle of the world, Ecuador. Here is the latest Ecuador newsflash:

- The Cotopaxi Volcano keeps its internal activity level high and surface activity moderate, with a column of ash emission about 1.5 Km above the crate, with a north-north-east direction, a light ash fall was reported in Chaupi, Machachi and Aloasi.
- The Tungurahua Volcano activity increased since Tuesday August 25th, seismic activity increased with the appearance of tremor accompanying ash emissions. Black, hence likely juvenal (from fresh magma) ash fell on little towns of Tungurahua province as Chontapamba Pillate, Bilbao abd Juive Grande. Subsequently, 5 little explosions were recorded and the intensity of these increased progressively, ash plumes rose to approximately 2 Km above the volcano’s summit and drifted west.
The Cotopaxi and Tungurahua Volcanoes receive special attention form authorities and technicians to maintain some level of alert.

- Reventador Volcano is located between the provinces of Napo and Sucumbios, this volcano also has constant activity with presence of ash and pyroclastic flows, the last activity registered was August 31st 2015.

- El Niño is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean with a global impact on weather patterns. El Niño is the periodic warming of sea-surface temperatures in the Pacific. El Niño has in previous years brought torrential floods and landslides, ruined roads and caused ocean warming that wreaked havoc on fishing. El Niño is expected to raise temperatures in the Pacific, setting off a chain reaction in the agriculture, fishing and tourism industries along the coast of Ecuador, Peru and Chile. In South America it has been predicted to be “extraordinary” this year.

- For 5 months Charles Darwin Foundation will be close for remodelling. Travellers only can visit the iguanas and tortoises’ corrals from 8:30 to 16:00.