Do you have a great travel story that you wish to contribute to The Happy Nomad? Maybe something specific you would like to read about, or simply have feedback for us?
What are you waiting for to share your stories with the whole world? At bamba, we believe that all travel experiences are valuable. If you’d like to share your stories, just keep the Submission Guidelines below in mind and remember that all submitted articles need to be approved first by our team, before being published!
Simply fill out and submit the the form below. Please upload your article or story in .pdf format. Find out more about The Happy Nomad here.
Submission Guidelines:
- Please don’t send us an article/story that has already been published in any other publications.
- The article should be of at least 500 words.
- You should check the spelling, punctuation, and grammar of your article before you send it to us.
- Please send any images related to your article free of copyright.
- You can also send your own photo and short biography if you want it published at the bottom of your article. All images must be in high resolution.
- bamba will have all the rights to edit/amend the article.