Participating in a volunteer program -or a voluntour- while travelling abroad is a fantastic way to add a new dimension to your travel experience. You can give back to the local communities that have welcomed you and, hopefully, taught you so much along the way. It will also maximise the satisfaction you get from your travels.
Why voluntour? The Benefits
A volontour is an enriching and eye-opening experience. It creates a deeper consciousness of the world we live in and, specifically, can contribute greatly to a your own knowledge, learning and continuous development.
In other words, a voluntour will equip you with specific traits including the following:
- A greater tolerance and sensibility towards others, by providing unique and authentic cultural experiences.
- A mindset of gratitude and recognition, by being around others who live with much lesser means.
- A greater feeling of self-satisfaction and confidence by helping other people or animal species.
- Social and intercultural skills, including how to build and maintain relationships, by interacting with others in a meaningful way.
Where to voluntour?
The possibilities for voluntouring are virtually endless, since there are so many people and projects in need of assistance.
Your interests can play a part when choosing where to go. For example, you may be asked to tend a garden with a few basic tools in rural Africa. Instead, you may teach English to a group of children in a tiny mountain village.
From Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica in Latin America, to India, Sri Lanka and Nepal in Asia, opportunities are available everywhere. Likewise, Africa is full of options for you to leave a lasting impact on the local communities.
Latin America
Latin America is known for its warm and welcoming culture. Projects throughout the region include teaching children at a local school, contributing to a turtle conservation project or working on a local farm.

Asia is home to some of the world’s most colourful and exotic countries. Here, projects range from working with homeless children, empowering women, elephant conservation and more.

A charitable trip to the intriguing African continent will include working hand-in-hand with local villagers. Projects range from assisting children in a Maasai Mara community or those living in extreme poverty in South Africa.

Whichever way you go, time spent on any voluntour will give you valuable insights and a new-found appreciation for life. Perhaps more importantly, you leave a lasting impact on the communities you are serving.
Click here for an overview of bamba’s top voluntours and start planning yours!
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